Federal Tuition Assistance (TA)
TA Eligibility
All four service branches and the U.S. Coast Guard offer financial assistance for voluntary, off-duty education programs in support of service members’ personal and professional goals. The program is open to officers, warrant officers and enlisted active-duty service personnel. In addition, members of the National Guard and Reserve Components may be eligible for TA based on their service eligibility. To be eligible for TA, an enlisted service member must have enough time remaining in service to complete the course for which he or she has applied. After the completion of a course, an officer using TA must fulfill a service obligation that runs parallel with – not in addition to – any existing service obligation.
How to use TA at GW
Each military branch has its own TA application form and procedures. Before enrolling at GW, visit your local installation education center and speak with your Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor, go online to a virtual education center, or click on the following links for each service branch:
Prior to your course enrollment, you may be required to develop an education plan or complete TA orientation. Be sure to keep the following important information in mind when you apply:
- You must request TA from your local installation education center before class starts. Minimum 30 days prior to class start date.
- Once your voucher is approved in the TA portal, it is forwarded to GW Student Accounts - Third Party Billing for processing and billing adjustments.
- The office of Military & Veteran Services will upload the students' grades into the TA system for all branches on the last Monday of every month.
- If you drop a course for which you have used Tuition Assistance (TA), inform your TA provider and the MVS office about the course drop immediately.
For more detailed information on understanding Federal Tuition Assistance visit military.com or militaryonesource.mil.